Avo Syncro
Nicaragua Fogata
Blended to be a synchronization of tobacco harmony, Avo Syncro Nicaragua Fogata cigars are the pinnacle of luxury and refinement, and your shoppers will be craving them. These ultra-premium gems are crafted with a top-shelf Ecuadorian Habano 2000 wrapper leaf that covers a hearty San Andres Negro binder and masterfully aged long fillers from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. Hand crafted by the famous Davidoff cigar company at their Nicaraguan factory into five popular vitolas with top-notch construction, Nicaragua Fogata delivers a bold and powerful yet exceptionally smooth full-bodied smoke delivering a tapestry of spice, leather, coffee, earth, and slight hints of citrus notes that cascade over the palate with each puff. Any aficionado who appreciates a top-of-the-line smoke brimming with flavor will want these treats in their humidors, which will yield a nice profit for your shop. Stock your cigar store with boxes of 20, or tins of 10 for the Puritos vitola, at the best wholesale prices on the web by ordering Avo Syncro Nicaragua Fogata online today from Santa Clara Cigars.
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