Asylum Cigars
Famous cigar maker Christian Eiroa is responsible for creating all of the edgy, flavorful, and groundbreaking premium blends of Asylum cigars. Handmade in both Nicaragua and Honduras with expert craftsmanship, there are many different Asylum options that range in terms of size, strength, blend, and packaging types for aficionados to choose from. The majority of the blends in the Asylum portfolio utilize top-shelf Honduran tobaccos, but Christian Eiroa is not afraid to add some spice with Nicaraguan leaf. These innovative smokes are loaded with unique, zesty, and bold flavors that would make a welcome addition to the humidor of any of your customers. Be sure to stock up on a good assortment of the lines available, including Asylum 33, 13, Insidious, Schizo, and Straight Jacket—you’d be crazy not to! Order Asylum Cigars for your cigar store at the best wholesale prices on the internet with Santa Clara Cigars today.