A famous brand that needs no introduction to cigar aficionados, Ashton handmade premium cigars provide a luxury smoking experience that are designed and manufactured with special occasions in mind. A must-have for any cigar store, Ashton provides a top-shelf smoke time and time again. These delectable gems are crafted with a gorgeous top-shelf Connecticut wrapper that covers a core of Dominican binder and long filler tobaccos that have been aged for several years prior to rolling. Considered a masterpiece by many, these popular smokes offer a beautiful mellow balance of toasted almonds, cream, coffee beans, and just a hint of spice that adds to the complexity, making them a good morning option for seasoned connoisseurs as well as a solid choice for novice palates. Presented in luscious boxes, packs, and tins, ensure to treat your customers to the best with Ashton cigars; place your wholesale order today with Santa Clara Cigars.