Arturo Fuente Hemingway
Named in honor of famous cigar-smoking American novelist, these uniquely shaped figurados by Carlos Fuente have become some of the most sought after smokes in the world. These highly respected and finely tuned hand rolled cigars are fashioned with aged Dominican filler tobaccos, a Dominican binder, and a delicate West African Cameroon wrapper. The result is a complex mixture of earth, cedar, caramel, and charred-wood flavors combined with a crisp sweet-and-spicy finish. Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars offer a timeless and flavorful smoke that you will always want to have in stock. Santa Clara Cigars sells them in cedar chests of 10 and 25 and in packs of five depending on the frontmark. All in high demand, we suggest you fill your shelves with as many as you can so the brand’s loyal minions won’t have to go elsewhere to find them!
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