Alec Bradley
Tempus Nicaragua

Time and the patience to wait that time is what makes a good cigar great, and Alec Bradley Tempus Nicaragua premium cigars will exemplify that to your customers. Nicaraguan tobaccos are famous for their bold, vibrant, and powerful flavors, however these can be tempered with proper aging to be more palatable to the crowds that enjoy their sticks mellow and smooth. The Tempus Nicaragua is blended with extensively aged Nicaraguan long filler and binder tobaccos from Nicaragua’s best growing regions all surrounded by a top-shelf Nicaraguan Jalapa wrapper. Bold yet refined and balanced medium-bodied notes of dark roasted coffee, leather, spice, and pepper dance on the palate with each puff, and the pepper and spice are never overwhelming so even a novice enthusiast can test their preferences and stuff their humidor. Available in several popular vitolas in either boxes of 20 or 24 and in packs of 5, line the shelves of your cigar store with Alec Bradley Tempus Nicaragua cigars at unbeatable wholesale prices by placing your online order at Santa Clara Cigars today.
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