Alec Bradley MAXX
Initially introduced in 2005 during a time when thin premium cigars were all the rage, Alec Bradley MAXX cigars are the ideal smoke for more seasoned aficionados who want to take their smoking experience to the max! Offered in five popular big-ring vitolas, these extra-large treats are packed with aged long filler tobaccos from Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, and Columbia that are bunched inside a hearty Costa Rican binder and flawlessly dressed in a top-quality Nicaraguan Habano wrapper with a dark and oily complexion. Once your shoppers take a puff, they will be greeted by a bold and rich medium-full bodied smoke enriched with notes of sweet spice, licorice, espresso, and earth that are perfectly balanced and never overwhelming. A blend that has stood the test of time, shoppers will no doubt be looking for these treats to keep in their humidors. Stock the shelves of your cigar store with Alec Bradley MAXX cigars at the best wholesale prices on the web by making your online order with Santa Clara Cigars today.
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