AJ Fernandez San
Lotano Maduro
Part of a series of top-quality blends named after his grandfather’s premium cigar brand from pre-embargo Cuba, AJ Fernandez San Lotano Maduro cigars will appeal to customers yearning for rich Cuban-style flavor. Featuring a core blend of perfectly aged Nicaraguan and Honduran long fillers and hearty Nicaraguan binder, San Lotano Maduro is finished with a top-shelf San Andres Mexican Maduro wrapper leaf that boasts a dark and oily hue. The tobaccos combine to create a rich and bold medium-full bodied smoke brimming with notes of black pepper and earth that meld with complex flavors of cocoa, spice, and sweet cream, while also remaining refined and smooth as silk. The luxury green and gold boxes will also catch the eyes of your shoppers, leading to sales and profits as customers bring San Lotano Maduro home to their humidors. Crafted with top-notch construction into five popular vitolas, order the collection of AJ Fernandez San Lotano Maduro cigars online today from Santa Clara Cigars to get them at unbeatable wholesale prices!
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