Aging Room Quattro
Nicaragua Sonata
Inspired by the musical sonatas of famous composers like Mozart and Beethoven, Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Sonata cigars will play a symphony of flavor for the palates of your customers. These top-shelf gems are blended by Rafael Nodal, who has a background in music, to capture the thematic structure of a sonata in a cigar. To make his vision a reality, Nodal turned to none other than legendary cigar maker A.J. Fernandez and his top-quality Nicaraguan tobaccos. Like their top-rated predecessors that won Cigar of the Year in 2019 from Cigar Aficionado, they are made entirely with expertly aged Nicaraguan tobaccos at Tabacalera A.J. Fernandez in Nicaragua. By using different primings, longer fermentation, and a rare selection of tobaccos, the Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Sonata delivers exceptional richness, complexity, and balance. Customers will be unable to resist the smooth medium-full bodied flavors of espresso, roasted nuts, peppery spices, leather, and tobacco sweetness. Available in several popular sizes and packaged in ornate and eye-catching yellow boxes, these gems are sure to fly off the shelves of your cigar store. Stock up on Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Sonata cigars at the best wholesale prices on the web by ordering your inventory right here with Santa Clara Cigars.
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